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Military involvement in Brazilian politics dates back to the origins of the Brazilian Republic itself. Academia and civil society alike are beginning to question the potential implications of these levels of militarization within a democracy, especially in a country still under the shadows of a military regime (1964-1985) and that is seeing an increasing presence of its military in power today.

Scholarship on the Brazilian Military regime, re-democratization, and civil-military relations in Brazil is consolidated and robust. However, there still lacks a multidisciplinary approach to understand the pervasive presence of the military in the Brazilian political arena from a broader perspective. Furthermore, civil-military relations in Brazil have not developed in the same way as in Europe or North America, and the case of Brazil can provide a significant addition to the global debate on the relationship between the military and politics.


This research network aims to unite scholars interested in providing an interdisciplinary understanding of the evolution of the Brazilian military into such a contentious position within the country’s socio-political history and its implications for military-state-civilian relations, through the development of new conceptual and methodological tools.

The network and project was jointly established by Dr. Vinicius de Carvalho and Dr. Anna Grimaldi in early 2021, and has been engaging with leading scholars in the field ever since. You can find more information about the team here.

On May 27th and 28th 2021, King’s College London hosted an interdisciplinary conference on “Military in Politics in Brazil” discussing the Brazilian military in historical perspective, the Brazilian military in the social imaginary, institutions, domestic, and foreign policy, and critical methodological approaches. You can find more details about the programme of the conference and its speakers here.

BRASILIANA: Journal for Brazilian Studies - SPECIAL ISSUE: Military and Politics in Brazil

Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies has published in February 2022 a thematic interdisciplinary dossier on the relationship between the military and politics in Brazil, aiming to provide new tools and a better understanding of the evolutions and implications of the involvement of Brazil’s military in politics.

Find the link below!
