Call for papers!

Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies encourages submissions for its next thematic interdisciplinary issue on the relationship between military and politics in Brazil.


Deadline for submissions is August 30th, 2021!

As scholarship on Brazilian civil-military relations still lacks a multidisciplinary approach, this thematic issue aims to provide a broader more comprehensive understanding of the presence of the military in the Brazilian political arena.

The editors welcome submissions ranging from comparatist perspectives on the historical development of the military in politics in Brazil, to the influence of such military involvement on the social imaginary and broader domestic and foreign politics, as well as papers examining the most relevant and helpful conceptual and methodological tools for understanding Brazilian civil-military relations. You can find further details on the questions and topics which the editors are looking for here.

The editors welcome submissions in Portugese, English and Spanish. Further referencing, formatting and plagiarism guidelines and detailed steps for submitting articles can be found here.

We would also like to invite anyone interested in peer-reviewing submissions for Brasiliana to register here. Expectations from peer-reviewers are detailed here.

In order to increase the visibility of this Brasiliana issue, we would greatly appreciate your help with spreading the call for papers further to your networs and social media.